Human Rights


Human Rights

The rights you have simply because you are human , these rights are the only rights which applied to everyone , everywhere , that means kids, old people, young people, poor people , sports man, garbage man, teacher, Africans, Indians, Albanians, Christians, Muslims, your mom and dad , next to your neighbor and you have the exact same human rights. In other words they are universal but the question remains what are they.

After world war 1 and 2 , almost 90 million people died , never had human rights been so terrifyingly closed to extension and never the world been more desperate for change , so the country of earth banded together and formed the united nation. Under the supervision of Eleanor Roosevelt , everyone agreed  on a set of right that absolutely apply to everyone The Universal Declaration of human rights, these right contains right of life, liberty, personal security and other 30 human rights. Rights should apply to everyone and they all lived happily.



But a little problem arises , if people have the right to food and shelter why are more than 16,000 children dying of starvation everyday ,if people have freedom of speech why are thousand in prison for speaking there mind if people have right of education why there are billion adults unable to read , the fact is when it was signed the human right did not have the force of law, it was optional . so again the question is who will make those words a reality .  




People who fight against discrimination and poverty are not giants or superhero they are people, who realise that human rights are not history lesson they are not words on page not speeches or commercials  they are the choices we make every day as human beings they are the responsibility we all share to respect each other to help each other and to protect those in need as Eleanor Roosevelt said we’re after all the universal human rights begin in small places close town so close is so small but they cannot be seen on any maps of the world yet they are the world of individual person the neighborhood who live in the school or college he attends the factory farm or office he generally work  these are the places where every man , women and child seeks equal justice , equal opportunity , equa dignity without discrimination  Unless these rights have meaning there they have little meaning anywhere                    






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